
Mums and Tots Yoga with Sarah

Organic Feast
Lavendula Studio

This class is designed to heal the body after pregnancy and birth and work with the challenges, both physical and emotional associated with caring for your new baby. Come and connect into your body, find inner stillness in your mind and create community with other mothers and bubbas.

Street Address:

10-12 William Street, East Maitland

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More info about this course / class:

The postnatal period is a time of deep healing and connection.

Physical and emotional extremes are commonplace as you move from feelings such as deepest love and gratitude to your most exhausted and challenged.

The postnatal yoga classes and workshops are designed to show you how to care for your physical body in a reverential way, nourishing your mind.

  1. Allows the body's systems to recalibrate post pregnancy
  2. Encourages the organs to resituate correctly
  3. Re-tonify deep core and abdomen
  4. Addresses common aches felt through repetitive newborn care
  5. Encourages lymphatic drainage to maintain and support lactation


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General terms and class etiquette of Yoga Brave:

If you are unable to attend your class, please let us have as much notice as possible so that we can fill your spot, otherwise your payment or class credit cannot be refunded.

General classes we require 2 hours notice for a full credit.
Workshops we offer a credit if we can fill your place from our waitlist.

Enjoy your class!

  • Please arrive 5-10 minutes before your class to allow yourself time to register and settle in.
  • Turn your phone and / or smartwatch OFF (or aeroplane mode) - no silent or vibrate settings please!
  • Leave your shoes and your ego at the door.
  • Advise the teacher of any injuries or possible concerns which may arise during class.